Pete Ward steps down

After decades of dedicated service as a key member of the band's 'engine room', Pete has decided to opt for a slightly easier life, and will focus on growing ever larger and more exotic tomatoes, much to the envy of the band's survivors. Recurrent health problems have meant an increasing replacement of original parts with spares, and humping a double-bass around is nobody's idea of fun. In addition - surprisingly enough - the witty question: "Did you ever consider taking up the piccolo?" has lost some of its amusing quality over the years.
Pete's 'proper job' was with Haynes Owners Workshop Manuals, and we all hope that the 'MAN' edition has been to hand while the various medics have been ministering unto Pete. He has recently been seen in the audience at Ropeys, looking extremely sprightly, and we shall certainly not give up trying to entice him back on stage. Meanwhile, we've decided against recruiting a replacement because it just wouldn't be the same as before, so John Coad has been using his bass drum just a shade more than usual (only a shade, moind!).
Thus another Living Legend departs the scene - it's all frighteningly reminiscent of 'Ten Green Bottles' ...