Just A Bit of a Makeover

A prodigious amount of midnight oil has recently been expended in giving the band website a bit of a makeover - nothing too drastic, but a few necessary tweaks here and there, a bit of housekeeping, some new fonts to accentuate the band's 1920s and 30s roots, and - hopefully - improved legibility and navigation. The Gallery page has also been checked over and lots of recent photos have been added.
You've often asked about the availability of video clips of the band, so there'll be a brand new page - accessible from the LISTEN page - with a list of videos currently posted on the Internet. This innovation was given impetus by our recent posting of a clip of the band onstage at Dorchester Arts, which received numerous viewings in only a few days, so it was quite clear that something needed to be done!
Since we launched our website - long before Covid - we've had lots of very positive and welcome feedback on it, so it seemed high time to check things over without actually going overboard with too much change. As the man said: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", so we've proceeded with great caution!
It should be published very soon - within the next few days - so watch this space! Thanks for your continued support - and don't forget to give us feedback at the next gig you attend!