Ce Monsieur Qui Parle ...

Our Glorious Leader is rarely at a loss for words, and his prodigious memory is ably fed by 'Jazzipedia', a veritable fund of obscure anecdotes from the darkest corners of jazz history - most of them of dubious veracity. He also wields his steely authority over the band at all times, as this picture clearly demonstrates ... Pete and Steve have already disappeared to a drinking establishment somewhere in the back streets in order avoid the customary pre-gig lecture ... Trevor is in a little world of his own, checking his vast quantity of fan mail ... Keith and John are also ignoring Mike as they practice a jolly little duet for their up-coming gig at the Blackmore Vale Bonsai Group tea dance ... the only one feigning attention to Doctor Denham's words of wisdom is Mike Kennedy, because he is actually depping on bass, and hopes to be asked again if he duly behaves himself ... the audience of one appears to be asleep ... hey ho - who'd be a bandleader?!