Band Uniform ...

The recent heatwave revealed a miniscule crack in the hitherto granite-like resolution of our Illustrious Leader. A jaw-dropping dispensation was ordained - that shorts may be worn at our Ropeys gig if so desired! Disbelief was written on every face, and those of us with acceptable legs and a requisite level of tan took advantage of this rare act of mercy. Tentative and muted discussions were soon underway backstage regarding the whole Band Uniform policy (SCS Band Regulations, para.IV, subsection 5).
Short sleeves, for example, are anathema to Steve, who feels the chill terribly (this is on a par with his loathing of garlic) and is often seen wearing a long-sleeved thermal vest under his band polo shirt - hardly what one might call a 'good look'. Others have likened our polo shirts to those worn by the golf fraternity or modern day Primary School children. This is coupled with our genuine fear of arriving at a gig wearing the wrong colour shirt , and thus inviting a Disciplinary Hearing before our Illustrious Leader.
John Coad has therefore come up with a revolutionary new concept - what one might call a Shirt of Many Colours, each one unique, made up of such random scraps of material as may be found residing in the average housewife's sewing basket. Between hours of percussion practice during Covid he turned his undoubted needlework skills to good effect and produced a prototype shirt for the band's approval. He has not yet mustered up the courage to appear onstage wearing it, but we live in hope ...