Back at last! ...

When we last played in Bishopstone, it turned out to be only a very short time before some clever person invented Covid, and we all know where that ended up! Yet here we were - after a very long gap - back on stage in the Village Hall, and found it packed to capacity with a lively and very welcoming audience, not one of whom looked a day older than on our previous visit, which is more than we could say for some members of the band ...
What seemed like a roar of approval after each number rather took us by surprise, and the palpable 'gusts' of appreciation almost threatened to remove us from our precarious perch on our bijou stage. As usual, Hamish got the lion's share of the applause - especially from the ladies! No wonder he sings Papa De Da Da with such conviction ...
Not only were we treated to this heartwarming reception to our music, but were given ceremonial precedence when it came to the splendid intermission supper, where we were duly plied with steaming platters of the village ladies' finest home-cooking. Being fed during a gig remains so rare that it is appreciated by the band even more than a great reception from an enthusiastic audience, so we counted ourselves doubly fortunate to receive both from the good people of Bishopstone. We're already looking forward to our next visit - hopefully not to be interrupted by a further pandemic!